Causes of teenage hair loss and its treatment

According to doctors, the age limit for continuous hair growth is between 15 to 30 years. Our hair, skin, and digestive tract are the first indicators of well-being. Any change from a normal growth pattern can indicate an underlying medical problem. These problems can be reversible or irreversible. 

Our clinic provides hair loss treatment in Pune for a set of potential causes. Many different reasons can cause hair loss. We must find the actual cause to initiate appropriate treatment. 

Teenage hair loss can affect mental health resulting in low confidence and body image issues. The following conditions may be responsible for hair loss in teenagers. 

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia refers to male and female pattern baldness. This is a genetic condition that affects hair phenotype. The gene for androgenetic alopecia may be inherited if both parents possess the gene.

The pattern of baldness is usually predictable. An M, V, or U shape can appear on the male scalp. Women show a thinning of hair along the hair partition. 

Treatment: As this condition is genetic, it does not have a known cure. Hair transplants along with minoxidil therapy can work to maintain hair follicles. 

For hair loss treatment in Pune, we do hair transplants that can reduce the appearance of male pattern baldness. 

Alopecia Areata

Unlike the first condition, alopecia areata is an auto-immune disorder. This means that the immune system considers our hair follicles as foreign invaders. 

The immune system starts attacking the hair follicles from within which leads to hair loss. Patients can experience hair loss even in eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair. 

Treatment: Alopecia areata can be treated by injecting corticosteroids to suppress the immune system. These injections are given on the scalp which blocks the attack of immune cells on the hair follicles.

Our clinic provides the best hair loss treatment in Pune so that the effects of alopecia areata are minimized. 


A deficiency of certain micronutrients can cause hair loss. Vitamins and minerals are an important part of our diet. They are precursors for normal growth and development. Low levels of vitamins affect hair growth. 

Treatment: Make sure to include the given micronutrients in your diet to prevent hair loss:

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin E
  • zinc
  • vitamin C
  • iron
  • niacin
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • biotin
  • folic acid
  • selenium

You can consult us for hair loss treatment in Pune, about the suitable supplements for your hair health. 

Thyroid Hormones

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both result in hair loss. A prolonged thyroid condition can induce loss of hair. Scanty hair growth is noticed in chronic thyroid patients. 

Treatment: A successful thyroid treatment can reverse the hair loss effects. 


Lupus is another auto-immune condition on this list. The symptoms of lupus include joint pain, fatigue, a butterfly-shaped rash, and hair loss. In some cases, discoid lesions are formed on the scalp that permanently damages the hair follicles. 

Treatment: Just like thyroid, a successful lupus treatment can reverse hair loss. But this is possible only if the lesions are not formed. 

For hair loss treatment in Pune, we perform Scalp Micropigmentation that gives the appearance of short hair on the scalp. 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a worldwide female health issue. It is caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. An increased level of androgens and testosterone causes irregular menstrual cycles, hair thinning, weight gain, and acne. 

Treatment: Although PCOS cannot be completely cured, hormone treatments can treat hair loss.

Side Effects of Medicines

Every drug has a unique response from the human body. Some medications can result in hair loss. 

Treatment: Stop taking the medicine and consult your doctor. 

You can consult us for hair loss treatment in Pune, about the medicines that will not give you side effects. 

Aesthetic Hair Treatment

Teenagers always follow the latest trends in styling and coloring their hair. Using cheap dyes and bleach can damage hair and cause breakage. 

Chlorine from swimming pools can have a damaging effect on hair. Straightening irons and curls can burn and break the hair. 

Treatment: Stop dyeing your hair and get a good hair care routine. 

Traction Alopecia

This condition is caused by wearing hair in tight buns and ponytails. A receding hairline is observed in such cases. 

Treatment: wear your hair in other hairstyles. 


It is a mental health disorder in which the patient has a raging urge to pull their hair. Children between the ages of 10 to 13 are affected by this condition.

Treatment: Get your child medical attention in case of this psychological disorder. 


It is a fungal infection of the scalp. Patches of dry skin are formed that cause scarring and itching. 

Treatment: Using topical antifungal shampoos and creams can treat ringworm on the scalp. 

Telogen effluvium

This is a stress-induced hair loss condition. Childbirth and mental stress are some of the potential causes of telogen effluvium. 

Treatment: Consult a suitable doctor for this condition. 
For hair loss treatment in Pune, we at Eva Skin Clinic provide the best possible measures. We help you to combat hair loss so that you maintain your youthful appearance.

The Eva Pimples, Skin and Hair Clinic in Wakad, Pune takes great satisfaction in its experienced team’s 11 years of dermatological expertise. The clinic offers a range of services, with a particular emphasis on treating common skin issues like acne, scars, pimples, and hair transplant operations. 

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