Laser hair reduction is most advanced, popular best treatment to remove unwanted hair on body areas such as Face, ears, full hands, full legs and other parts having excess hair more than normal. Certain underlying medical conditions in most of the females like PCOD, hormonal imbalance, high levels of androgens in males causes excess body hair.
These hair can be removed for cosmetic reason, as it doesn’t look good on body.
How laser Hair reduction works?
Laser hair reduction treatment works on the principal of selective photothermolysis.

In this treatment, Laser energy is given to the thick terminal body hair. This energy gets absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair bulb and leads to destruction of hair follicle.
Due to this, Hair looses its capacity to regrow again from the root and goes thinner as you progress with the sessions.
How many sessions will I need to get the best results after Laser hair removal treatment?
No. of sessions needed to get best results after treatment depends upon various factors such as
- Hormonal imbalance disorders in females like Poly cystic ovarian disease
- Racial factors
- Genetic and family history.
- Male with high levels of androgens
These are the various factors which can cause unwanted hair on body.
A detail investigation and history taking is very important to know about the underlying responsible factors if any and to treat that issue along with the laser hair reduction, often gives best results after treatment.
Minimum 6 to 8 sessions are required in gap of 1 to 2 months to get significant reduction in thickness and density of treatment.
What are the benefits of laser hair reduction?
- Laser hair reduction is a non-surgical, office hour procedure.
- Laser hair reduction can be done on all required body areas like face, chest, abdomen, back, full legs, bikini area etc.
- Laser hair reduction can effectively target thick, dark black and make it thin gradually.
- Laser hair reduction also helps to slow down the growth pattern of hair follicles.
The speed of doing laser reduction for body parts is very fast and can treat larger body parts in 1 or 2 hours only.
What care needs to be taken before and after laser hair reduction?
Before going for Laser hair reduction treatment, person should avoid waxing, threading, plucking of hair from the treatment area. These conventional modes of Hair removal can disturb normal hair cycle and the hair follicle in active growth phase.
One should avoid doing laser hair reduction if having recent exposure to sunlight without sun protection. This may lead to pigmentation on treated area.
Treatment area should be clean and free from any active bacterial or viral infection.
What precautions needs to be taken after laser hair removal treatment?
After Laser hair reduction, the treated area may appear little red and inflamed especially when the hair are thick. Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen every 3 hourly along with physical protection with scarf, suncoat is needed to avoid chances of getting pigmentation after treatment.
What should I expect after laser hair reduction? Is it permanent?
Laser hair reduction, is not a removal but reduction treatment as it doesn’t not remove your treated area body hair 100 %, but causes its reduction, reduces its density and thickness to a great extent so that socially it becomes less visible.As one undergo multiple sessions of treatment, the hair goes more finer and thinner, thick terminal hair gets converted into fine villus hair and also increases the problem free duration.
What is the cost of Laser hair reduction treatment?
The cost of Laser hair reduction depends upon the area to be treated and no of sessions required. It usually ranges from 1500 to 7000 per session.